Monday, October 26, 2009

A Growing Team

The team is growing with every meeting we have. Many are stepping forward to take on this calling God has set before us in completing this remarkable project for the kids. There is much support for us and the project as well, as people are stepping forward to help with fund raising and getting the news around about this project.

There are still many, many fund raisers ahead as we are still doing what we can to raise the money for our team members and the products for the building project. Here are a few opportunities for you to come and support us with!

~November 8: There will be an oatmeal bar between the 9 and 11am services, and a yummy spaghetti dinner after the 11am service at Mason County Reformed Church! Give by donation for your fill!

~ November 20 & 21: Knights of Columbus art show. We will have a table set up there, selling goodies and crafts! Friday 11- 7, Saturday 9-3.

~ Apple Pie Sale: The team will be selling delicious, homemade, freezable apple pies now, until November 14. The pies cost $10 each and will be ready by November 21. Get your Thanksgiving dessert today! It'll make the whole family happy.

~Caramel Corn Sale: Looking for a great, yummy treat for your friends and family for Christmas? How about a huge canister of various flavors of caramel corn. The team is selling Christmas-themed canisters of caramel corn for $5 each. There are flavors like cranberry almond, chocolate drizzle, and toffee almond cashew. Hurry and order yours today! The sale ends November 8!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Indoor Yard Sale!

Saturday, October 17, the DR team will be holding one of their famous indoor yard sales at MCRC from 8am to 3pm! There are tons of awesome pickings, including books, clothes, appliances, toys, games and much, much more! There will be lunch served and snacks throughout the day!

If you would like to donate items to our sale, bring them by MCRC Friday (tomorrow), or call Mason County Reformed Church to arrange for them to be picked up by our team!
Proceeds will go towards the kitchen project.
Hope to see you there!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dominican Meet & Eat

The team is gearing up for a Saturday of presenting Dominican culture and projects to the people of our church an community. There will be displays, photos, fellowship, food and a guest speaker, Cristian Santiago! He'll be sharing with us about projects and culture. Come on down and get to know our team, join the team, support the team, or just come down for some fun and learning about the missions that God has placed before us. There are some really great stories behind many of these projects and the people involved.
Saturday, October 3, 1-4pm @MCRC.
Cristian will be sharing around 3.
Hope to see you there!