Kerri painting the basement of the kitchen.
Jan painting.
Xander and Jeff cutting rebar.
Jeff and Kerri stocking up on candy to take into the community.
Jacki handing out some treats.
Kerri sharing goodies.
Antonio trying not to get mauled.
George giving out treats.
Sponsor kids that are supported by attenders of MCRC.
We got to go to a free zone plantation and see how veggies are grown and shipped to the states.
Green houses in front of the view.
Cool view.
More greenhouses.
Peppers being grown.
Cool statue in San Juan.
Castle in San Juan.
We also spent the day at Cristian's grandma's farm. We got to horseback ride. Antonio loved it.
Nate on a horse...
Jacki always looks good on horseback.
George seeing what Charles Ingalls had to do back in the day.
Sheila giving it a try too.
Ashley with her sponsor child, Esmeralda.
Jacki with her new sponsor girl.