Sunday, March 29, 2015

March Team is Arrived and Well!

So sorry in the delay of updating our team's blog!

The March team is doing well in the DR though, and are looking forward to a great day today with a church service and some baseball with the Dominicans this afternoon. Check out some of the pictures the team has shared so far! (Sorry they're not in order.)

Evan laying some bricks!

The Open Walls Church!

Alex taking in the community.

More of the Open Walls Church

Taking a break.

Well, that's one way to keep a chicken from crossing the road...

Checking out the community

The team laying bricks at the church.

Felix with his little one...and Tim.

The kiddos are making friends!

More bricks.

Alex playing with the kids.

Fun with the kids!

Walking the community.

Hailey sharing treats.

How did you think the bricks got up there?

Another nice shot with the kiddos...and Antonio.

Checking out the progress of the church.

John working! Save this one.

The community walk.

More friend making.

Alex is making lots of friends!

Community Walk.

Saturday brick laying.

From the top.

Inside the church.

Walking right along.

Claire laying bricks