Sunday, January 31, 2016

Things You Learn on a Dominican Trip

 1. Digestive habits are always up for discussion

2. The color you paint a house/room with is the color you will need to accent with the rest of your time there. Pack all of your aqua blue and mint green.

3. Putting on make up? Ain't nobody got time for that!

4. Pranks and jokes become a love language.

5. You have people that have your back, and you sure as well better do the same.

6. Undivided, attentive time with God is a necessary satisfaction.

7. The market could literally be made into a competitive sport. Bartering in a foreign language and doing the currency exchange math, anyone? Anyone?

8. If you didn't pack it, Bonnie probably has an extra.

9. The most screaming happens  during card games in the evening...

10. Pollo Loco is a world-class photo bomber.

11. You'll WANT to get up for the sunrises.

12. Roosters crow at anything at any time of the night.

13. The kids will cause you to melt.

13. There is no better way to bond than over hard, dirty work!

14.You'll fall in love with Dominican food, then be disappointed when your fried plantains are nowhere compared to theirs...

15. That God is truly everywhere!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day off!

Today was the team day off! We all bonded together, enjoyed the culture, and just relaxed for a bit at the beach. It was a very nice day!

We head home from Santo Domingo at 3pm-ish. (Dominican Time). Please be in prayer for our trip and that all will do well! Thanks so much!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sponsor Portraits!

 A few of us had an awesome opportunity to take pictures of all the kids for the sponsorship program, and for them to all have a school picture! Here are a few of us with our sponsor kids as we came across them through taking the photos!

Felix and his daughter! What a cutie!

Waiting on the next class!

Tuesday News!

This morning most of the team went to the church site to continue work. Some of us went to the school to take photos of the students for sponsorship.
It has been a very efficient week, filled with lots of side-splitting laughs and GOOD tears! This team is well bonded. Photos to come later!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Pictures!

Today was a good day! The weather was nice and cool here today, making things very bearable. This morning, we had a team paint the gymnasiums at the school and another team continue work on the Open Walls Church.
This afternoon we had more painting, more church work, and another team have a VBS with the kids in the community (as today is a national holiday, so the kids that go to school were out.)
Check out some of our pictures here! Thanks for the continued prayers!