Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thank You Fair-Folks!

Another great year was had at the Western Michigan Fair!
Thank you, THANK you, to everyone who helped make this one great.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fair Week is Coming!

The Team is ramping up for the 2018 trips, and next week, they will be working the fair full time between manning ticket gates and selling goodies in the Grand Stands for events.
There are some shifts left to be filled for the gates. We could never do all that we do at the fair without the help of our extended team! If you are interested in jumping in with us, let us know! You

can email us at and we'll get you all the info you need in the area you want to know more about! Or let us know if you want to snag a shift for fair!
See you at the fair, either way!