Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fundraising updates!

We have decided to return to the Dominican in January of 2010, or at least try to. In order to keep supporting the project we are working at completing, we would like to extend invites to the summer fundraisers we are having:

~July 4th we will be in downtown Ludington, selling food from a booth at the art show. You should all come out and get a bite to eat while supporting a good cause. Spend your day at the art show and then head on down the street to the beach for some fireworks!

~July 11th: We will once again be having our annual church parking lot sale. We are currently taking registration forms from anyone (personal or business vendors) who would like to rend a 18 x 27' space to sell your stuff! To rent a space, the cost is $25. Or if you would like to come out on July 11th to see what kind of stuff is being sold, feel free! This is always a great summer event. There will also be lunch at this event! Pick up your registration forms and information at the missions station of Mason County Reformed Church today!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Home and Well

We're home! We're alive! We're well! We actually rolled into Ludington around 4am on Saturday morning. The end of our trip was great! We moved Pedro's bed in and we got to pass out goodies to the kids on our last day. We finished the wall around where the kitchen will be and the gate is looking good.
There will be sharing of our experiences at MCRC this Sunday at the 9 and 11am services! Come hear a great sermon from Pastor Rick and check out our trip. There will be slide shows, videos and team members sharing their experiences.
We would like to thank you all so much for keeping updated of our journey! We hope to return to the Dominican Republic very soon to keep working on that kitchen. You can stay in touch with this site to hear about more updates of our upcoming trips and fundraisers! We will be having some activities going on during the summer for you to come out and support the Dominican and our community! Please pay attention to the site to catch those dates! Also keep praying for future teams, the kitchen project and the people of the Dominican. We want to keep this God's work!