Saturday, January 25, 2014

30 Days of Praying for the Dominican-Traveling Mercies

This morning I was awake at about 5:20am, and knew God had me up for a reason. Though pregnancy was pushing on my bladder, and the insomnia that comes with being preggo is kicking in, I felt like this time I was up for a different reason.
This morning, MCRC sent off a team of 9 to the DR. And of course, they left the morning after the biggest snow storm of the year. Impassable roads. Drifts. Whiteouts. Extreme winds. Seems like every time a team shoves off for the airport, we get hit by a huge snow system.
I laid awake this morning, and just prayed for the team and traveling mercies. That they'd all even make it to the church safely, then the airport (in Detroit), and that all their flights would still be running and would go smoothly. 
I ask you to do the same today, as this team heads to a special place in my heart. I was inspired to start this prayer series for the Dominican amidst my insomnia this morning. As I am one not able to travel with them this year, I want to support them from back home. God has instilled this overwhelming passion in my heart for the DR, and this is why He has me where I am this year. 
So join me in praying for many aspects of the Dominican Republic, starting with the team heading there right now. They left early this morning (around 6am) and will hopefully get into the DR around 11 (10pm, Michigan time).

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